It’s a Harptastic Social Life

Professional musicians are small business owners and therefore wear a lot of hats. On my list of things that I do is helping out the International Society of Folk Harpers  and Craftsmen. This a great group and I help on the magazine and also manage their Facebook Page. Doing social media for yourself or for groups is a challenge – trying to create interaction, doing something interesting, maybe something funny, trying not to do too much or too little. I think it is an easy challenge for our group because we do have a specific focus and are fairly like minded but I do think about it a lot and work at it.

Since it is my nature to take pictures, lately I’ve been on this kick of doing some Harp Art for the page. Here are a few of my latest samples. I have some great photo apps on my iPad that help out and I’ve enjoyed experimenting with them. Below is also a painting that I did for one of my musicians friends.

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