Botanical Garden of the Ozarks

Last weekend I played my first wedding at the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks in Fayetteville. As a long time member, I’m particularly fond of this location. It is so beautiful!!!












However, in full disclosure, I have to say that doing outdoor weddings is stressful. Arkansas is like many places where there is just no way to predict the weather. On any given day we could experience the whole spectrum of weather phenomenon – and we have! As you can imagine, my harp and my amp don’t like to be out in the rain and the heat can make it tough on your fingers and electronic equipment. The cold is very tough on the harp, too. If I agree to an outdoor wedding I REQUIRE that a Plan B be in place for the event. Playing at outdoor weddings is a challenge, I’ve got some great stories, but at a place like the Botanical Garden it is worth the risk.

Here are a few more photos from this weekend.

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