My last blog post was about the weird world of a harpist in the midst of a pandemic. Here is a little more about this new reality.
After one of my busiest holiday seasons ever I was pretty burnt out on my harp. So I took a break. January is a magazine month and February was catchup time, travel for my husband’s work, and I was sick for a while. Just when I was trying to psych myself into getting ready for wedding season everything started to crash. So I wasn’t actually too disappointed as I glided into April and another magazine month. Now that I’ve had a little recovery time I’m feeling surprisingly motivated towards my harp. We are getting along quite well and the break seems to have been a good plan.
There have been so many musicians doing livestreaming concerts, neighborhood concerts, and good deeds with their music. I have felt bad that I wasn’t out there doing my part to lift spirits and spread joy by playing the harp for people. But sometimes self-care comes first and I needed my break. However, now I’m energized and ready to get to work. Better late to the party than never! Next week I have a surprise planned at one of my favorite locations to thank the incredible people there who have worked tirelessly through this tough time. I’m working on this for a couple other locations too. There are going to be a few pop-up concerts announced which we will try to livestream and/or a few dedicated livestream concerts as well. Stay tuned.
We appear to be in this changed world for the long term so maybe being late to the party isn’t so bad after all. As this new reality continues to impact our lives, I believe music will continue to be one of the things that lifts us up and keeps us going. The harp is very healing, especially for burnt out harpists.