I love being the editor of the Folk Harp Journal! Truly, this job is such a great fit for me—the perfect storm of all the miscellaneous things I’ve done in my life coming together to work in perfect harmony.
Of course, once in a while, there is a bad note. This is totally my fault. The perfectionist in me screams. You can remind yourself that you were juggling a hundred balls and only one of them dropped but that doesn’t really help.
In the Winter 2015 issue of the FHJ, I included the first page of a song and not the second. I’m am grateful to Chris Neiburger for sharing so many of her wonderful arrangements. Here is the link for both pages of her arrangement of “Now a New Year Opens / I Saw Three Ships. (Now a New Year Opens.Neiburger)”
There was also a missing phrase in Joan Reid’s arrangement of “I Wonder as I Wonder. Here is the corrected file… I Wonder as I Wander-corrected